Pastors Letter 2013
Greetings, in the precious and wonderful name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
There are few important things that I would like to communicate to you for prayer, consideration and action.
Christmas food and Toys
Again this year we are going to be doing a food and distribution project in our community. You can help in a number of ways.
1. Donate finance to Christmas project in order to buy food and toys. Please place all donations in an envelope and mark as Christmas Project.
2. Help pack food and toys. We will start to pack up food w/c 9th Please see me if you can help with this.
3. Help wrap toys w/c 16thof December. Bernie Stewart and Cathy Cartwight will be organising this so please speak to them.
4. Buy food and new toys, wrapping paper, cellotape, batteries. These need to be at OCC by the 12th of December.
5. Help deliver toys and Food on 18th and 19th December.
Oasis Minibus
We will have our 9 seater minibus with Wheelchair access in January. We have about £3500 towards the cost of £6,000, If you wish to donate please put donation in an envelope marked MINIBUS.
We will need drivers aged over 28 with a driving licence with no more than 6 points. If you can volunteer as a driver then please let me know.
Foodbank Co-ordinator
We are looking for a volunteer to co-ordinate the Redditch Foodbank.
It will take about 12-15 hours a week and you will need to be a practical, compassionate, hands on person that is able to manage, recruit and motivate a number of volunteers and to report back to the AOK trustees.
You will need your own transport and have a current driving licence.
If you would like to know more about this crucial role then please speak to me before the end of November.
Christmas Services
- Sunday 15th December 6:00pm. Carol Service at Birchensale School. Please invite family and friends. A special collection for Hope and Kindness will be taken.
- Sunday 22nd December Morning Service 10:30am at OCC.
- Tue 24th December 11:00pm at OCC.
- Wed 25th December 10:30am at OCC
- Sunday 29th December Morning Service 10:30am at OCC.
Eldership Election
Jerry has faithfully served OCC for the last three years as an elder and
I am pleased to announce that he will be re-standing for Eldership in January 2014 for a further three year period.
The process for electing are:
Elders are nominated by the Pastor and Church leadership team. OCC are then given notice at least 28 days prior to the election date. Should there be any objections these should be made in writing to myself, marked for the personal attention of Pastor Robin Baker.
A special meeting will be called and all members that are present for that meeting may vote. This is done by secret ballot and the person standing will need to obtain 60% or more of those people present and eligible to vote. An Elder is appointed for a period of three years.
The vote will take place on January the 12th 2014 in the morning service. If you are a church member then please try to attend that service.
Missions Giving
This year we have continued to support Hope and Kindness in Kenya and given £3000 from our general funds. In the carol service we will be taking a special offering for them. I have brought back with me some jewellery that some of the Kenyan widows have made. These will be available from Hazel Withey at then end of each Sunday morning
We are supporting Elim Missions via our mission globes, which are collected on the first Sunday of the month, If you need a globe please ask John Hill or me for one. It would be great if every household had one.
Elim National Day of Prayer
The Elim movement celebrates it’s 99 anniversary on January 7th 2014. On this day we are asking all the church to come together to pray. The church will be available in the day for prayer and we will be having a
special prayer meeting at 7:30pm at OCC. There will also be a time of worship.
Sunday Mornings
I would like to take the opportunity to personally thank everyone who works so hard on a Sunday to make the services run so well.
While we continue to use Birchensale School I do need to ask EVERYONE to consider how they can help. At the end of each service whilst we have refreshments can I please ask that you do not congregate by the double doors as we need to move equipment through them safely. We need to vacate the building and car park by 1:20pm please.
Bring and Share
Every second Sunday of the month we will be having a bring and share at OCC at 1:30pm. Please take the time to come along and get to know the OCC family better.
From January 2014 we will be meeting together at OCC every Wednesday now for Bible Study, Prayer and Fellowship and so evening house groups will be suspended for a season. We would like every church member to consider attending please as this is a pivotal time in the History of OCC.
Every Blessing
Pastor Robin