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…Every man was once a boy, and every little boy has dreams – big dreams: dreams of being the hero, of beating the bad guys, of doing daring feats and rescuing those in need. We believe our men are still called to dream big dreams, to be the hero by beating the bad guys and rescuing those in need. Oasis men are a band of brothers who meet up, eat, chat and do life together.

How do we men live in a secular world, where Christianity is marginalised? In this day and age, men are more often than not characterised by these three aspects: what we know, what we are and by what we do. However, we, as men of God, are different from worldly and unsaved people in these three respects – it’s a matter of who we know, it’s a matter of who we are and it’s a matter of who we serve.

Scripture tells us that ‘God our Saviour wants all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.” We endeavour to fulfill this vision by being open, welcoming and inclusive, meeting regularly to strengthen bonds of friendship, to encourage one another and to build each other up in order to ‘grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.” Through prayer, sharing the Word of God and straightforward fellowship, we have a lot of laughs and a certain amount of food consumption!

Meets in the Church or community every 2 months.
See Calendar for upcoming events.

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Prayer Triplets

| Mens Ministry | No Comments
Have you committed to a prayer triplet yet? Being a member of a prayer triplet is a helpful way to gain support and accountability from each other. We want to…
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