Give each person 3 or 4 Pegs. Everybody should peg these on the bottom of there t-shirt so they are visible for everyone. The idea of the game is to run round trying to nick everybody elses pegs. When they get a peg they must stick this on the back of their T-Shirt. The person with the most pegs at the end of the game wins.
GROG is a very active, play after dark game.
You also need a building that is conducive to running and hiding. The only equipment you need is a flashlight. Here is how the game is played. One person is the Game Captain and is in charge of overseeing the game.
Prior to the game, the Game Captain (GC) needs to go thru the play area. In our church, we go around and turn on various Sunday School classroom lights. The doors to these rooms are closed, and those rooms are off limits. (We have classroom doors with windows, so the light shines out into the hall, giving us enough light to play. If this does not work for your play area, you need to figure out how to have a low level of light.)
The GC takes the flashlight apart into at least 3 pieces – the barrel, the battery, and the lens – and hides these pieces throughout the play area. Since the environment is somewhat dark, we tend to hid them in places that are not too very hard to find.
Once that is done, the GC goes back to the group and selects the GROG. The GROG is a creature of the dark, and goes into the dim play area to hide.
The GROG(apos)s goal is to tag the other players, like freeze tag, and renders them inactive. The GROG is trying to capture all of the players. There is no base. If the frozen player is tagged, they can become active players again.
The players(apos) objective is to find the flashlight and assemble it. Only the light of the flashlight will put an end to the GROG(apos)s existance. Once the players find the pieces of the flashlight and get it working, they go on a GROG hunt. Shining the light on the GROG, or freezing all of the players, ends the game.
NOTES: If you have a large group, divid them into a couple of groups by age and size. You don(apos)t want the big guys tearing down a hallway and crashing into a little guy. Also, warn the players not to run "all out" for the same reason. We encourage the players not to talk, etc., when they are frozen.
Teams of 4 are competing against each other to get the other teams(apos) gold and to capture other team(apos)s(apos) players, and put them in your jail.
Using two ropes, or red surveyor(apos)s tape, divide the field into 4 sections. Each section has one prison area, which is marked off with either ducttape or surveyor(apos)s tape. Each section also has a “gold depot” which is marked using hula-hoops or tape. Each team has their own color, which is a flag strip tucked into the front of each player(apos)s pants. Every team gets an equal amount of “gold” to start the game, which is white socks, gold socks, and 1 gray work sock.
Start of Game:
When whistle blows, teams begin the attack. Another team can only catch you if you are in their section; likewise, you can only catch others in your own section (if you are “green” and you run into the “red” section, then you run across to the “yellow section, red can no longer capture you, but yellow now can). When you capture another team member, take their flag and report to the middle of the field to the scorekeeper, then return flag to the person in your prison.
In addition to capturing opposing team players, you are also trying to get their “gold”, without getting caught. You can only take 1 gold piece at a time, and if you are caught inside an opposition section, you must return gold to that team (no throwing gold into your own section).
What Happens When Caught:
Having your flag removed by another team player inside their section gets you caught. When this happens, you report to their prison area and can only get out of prison if a teammate tags you out, without getting caught themselves. If your teammate gets caught trying to free you, they must join you in the jail area. Once you successfully get tagged out, you and your teammate get a free passage back to your section. NOTE (the game coordinator may call “jailbreak” and free everyone in jail in all the sections at any given time, usually when there is a lop-sided number of players in prison).
How the Game is Won:
The game is won by accumulating points for every prisoner your teammates catch, and for each piece of “gold” left at the end of the game. You can run out of gold during the course of the game, but still get points by capturing prisoners and trying to grab other gold from enemy sections. The team with the most accumulated total points at the end is the winner.
Score Keeping:
White Socks- 3000 points each
Gold Socks- 5000 points each
Gray Socks- 10,000 points each
Prisoners- 1000 each player